Thursday, October 29, 2009


---I Love Avenue D---

I just think of you and I smile.
You raise my spirits, make me laugh and dance again.
You make me blush with just a glance,
Giggle with a word.
I feel like I'm flying, caught up in a whirlwind,
With little more than a mention of you.
This unexplainable connection that you'll never understand,
All I know is that it makes me feel alive.

I just finished my EE. It's actually finished. Like I'm turning it in in the morning and it'll be over... Well, at least that step of this seemingly eternal journey to (probably not) getting my IB diploma is over. Now I have time to think about other stuff. Haha, actually, let me skip on the thinking part and just move forward onto, now I have permission to go out and do stuff without feeling totally guilty... well, at least for this weekend... then it's back to college apps, ToK essays, World Lit papers, biology experiments, math hl projects... hmm, so, like within 10 seconds I managed to talk myself down from feeling amazing for getting that beast of a paper over with, to feeling like total crap. Wonderful.


  1. i just randomly stumbled upon your blog
    -first of all
    EE. that sucks.
    good luck to you from a fellow ib student who realized that not doing full ib was the better plan for them.
    and second,
    i really like your blog.
    your writing is really easy to relate to.
    maybe that's the teenage girl in me speaking
    but somehow i don't think so.
    i think you have an interesting point of view
    that everyone can take something out of.

  2. Thanks Lindsey! Yeah, I wish I had done that earlier. Like, decided not to go for the diploma and just take a few IB classes, instead of the full program, that would've been a whole lot less painful. But hey, IB is full of masochists, right? Lol.
